Unlocking the Mystery: What Can I Purchase With My EBT Card

With your EBT card, you can purchase a variety of nutritious food items to help support you and your family. From fruits and vegetables to breads and dairy products, your EBT benefits can go a long way in ensuring you have access to essential groceries. Let’s explore what exactly you can buy with your EBT card.

1. Eligible Food Items

When using your EBT card, you can purchase the following food items:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Meat, poultry, and fish
  • Dairy products

2. Non-Food Items

While EBT benefits are primarily for purchasing food items, there are also a few exceptions for non-food items that you can buy:

  1. Plants and seeds to grow food for your household
  2. Certain energy drinks

3. Non-Eligible Items

There are certain items that you cannot purchase with your EBT card, including:

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Pet food
  • Vitamins and supplements
Eligible Non-Eligible
Fruits and vegetables Alcohol
Meat, poultry, and fish Tobacco
Plants and seeds Pet food

4. Online Food Purchases

EBT cards can now be used to purchase food online from select retailers. This provides more convenience for individuals who may have difficulty accessing a physical grocery store.

5. Farmer’s Markets

Some farmer’s markets also accept EBT cards, allowing you to purchase fresh produce directly from local farmers. This not only supports small businesses but also promotes healthy eating habits.

Understanding what you can purchase with your EBT card is crucial in making the most of your benefits. By utilizing your benefits wisely, you can ensure that you and your family have access to nutritious food options. Remember to always check with your local EBT program for specific guidelines and regulations.